Sunday, February 3, 2013


Ok so I admit it - I am a control freak.

With Allie, I was what I call a "breast feeding FAILURE!" I didn't produce enough (probably because I hated it), it was awkward and she never would latch on (I detest those words!). I quit even trying after less than a week and she became a full-blown "formula baby."

With Reagan, I told myself I was going to try, and give it my all. If I failed again, I at least wanted to be able to say I put forth my all. Now here is my control issue - I make it harder on myself than I really need to because I pump 4-5 times per day, and bottle feed her so I can see the exact amount she gets. Yes, this is laughable but it suffices my control issue.

Friday was Reagan's 4-day-old checkup and I absolutely love our pediatrician, Dr. Franz. To anyone reading this, who is looking for a great pediatrician and "mommy friend" I highly suggest Our Lady of the Lake Pediatrics. Dr. Franz did not nurse her kids so her opinion is ANY amount of milk the baby can get from mom is a win-win. She was proud of my accomplishments Friday which is something an overwhelmed mommy of two needed to hear.

I do combine my milk with formula because I do not produce enough to feed her 100% AND she's sleeping like a champ at night. Why rock the boat on this?!?!?!

I crack myself up with my control issues but hey, I guess at least I admit it. :)

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