Monday, September 17, 2012

A Bomb Threat?

Seriously?  WHO in their right mind calls in a bomb threat to a university?  What is wrong with people?

I was on the I-10 bridge coming back to BR from Port Allen around 11:30 am when I received a text from LSU stating a bomb threat was called in to the school.  Immediately I called Ben to make sure he was not only ok, but see if he received the text.  I guess he thought I was calling about Allie so in a very rushed voice he said "I am going to get Allie, I'll call you shortly."  Then it dawned on me, holy crap, I have a child, my baby, my sweet girl, also on LSU's campus (can you say pregnancy brain?).

At that point, your view as a mother changes - I took off going 90 mph, determined I would get there before Ben due to traffic on campus.

When I got to the Child Care Center, it was amazing how calm it was.  The kids were outside under the awning, it was pouring down rain, the teachers were on their cell phones calling parents.  Life at that minute becomes real when you look over and see your beautiful, blue-eyed, blonde-headed daughter, decked out in her pink and white seersucker palm tree and pig smocked capri outfit, sitting there against the wall without a care in the world.  Why do our children have to go through situations like this?  I realize it is life, but just like my mom - good ole' Kimbo - use to say, "you can mess with  me, but don't mess with my kids."  This saying could not ring truer for me today.

As I sit in a doctor's waiting room (thanks for the free wi-fi!), so many things cross my mind, but the most important factor is that my family is safe.

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