Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ahhhh...the life-saving BOUNCER seat!

For some odd reason, I did not register for a bouncer seat.  Not sure why.

When Allie was 5 days old, my friend Dana, who has a son that is 2 days younger than Allie, recommended I buy one.  So just like any mom who wants as much help as possible, I ran to Wal-Mart and bought the first bouncer I could find...$20.

Can I tell you, it was the best $20 I have ever spent?  This thing is a lifesaver.  Not only does Allie actually enjoy it, I DO TOO! 

This $20 investment enables me to shower/bathe every day, get ready (even put on make-up and dry my hair), make bottles, cook, blog, do laundry...the list could go on.  It's portable and fairly light to move from room to room with her in it (yes, the disclaimer on the thing says DO NOT MOVE WITH CHILD IN IT, but hey, who really obeys those things?).  It's amazing!

We laugh because the bouncer is also a "portable toilet."  After Allie eats her morning bottle, we head to the bathroom so I can get ready.  Without fail, 97% of the time she produces her daily bowel movement thanks to the bouncer - too funny.  I guess it's the angle she sits, or maybe the vibration, or maybe it's just a coincidence but it is hysterical!

Cheers to the inventor of the bouncy seat!


  1. Great tip Carmen! I never knew a bouncy seat would be that much of help. Hey, whatever works...right? And, $20--what a steal!

  2. Those things are amazing! When she outgrows it, I highly recommend that you purchase one of those exersaucer things. That's how I was able to do all those things a boucny seat helped me do in the beginning!
