Monday, January 24, 2011

I eat my words...

So all of November and December I RANTED and RAVED at how awesome Allie slept at night.  She would go down at 7:30 pm and not wake up until 7:30 or 8 am. 

WELL...I think we are back to newborn status.  During the Christmas holidays Allie got sick while we were in Marshall and things have not been the same since.  The first week in January I had to travel to Tampa to our home office and Ben was in Dallas for the Cotton Bowl.  Allie stayed in Marshall with Pammy and G Rob and Meme and Pepaw (my grandparents).  Not only was she out of her "normal" environment, but mom and dad were gone (6 nights for me - TEAR!) and she had a cold.  The story of our lives.

Since Christmas she goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up between 12:30 am and 3 am.  We put her in bed with us then between 5:30 am and 6 am she's ready to EAT.  She hasn't gotten up in the middle of the night to eat since she was like 12 weeks old.  What's up with my child?


Will she ever get "back to normal"...or is this "normal?"  :/

1 comment:

  1. ERP did that the first time she got a runny nose and was up at 3 (at 7mo.) I woukd get up and rock her and put her down and she would wake up everytime I laid her down. It was so frustrating, after a few nights I just let her cry it out and after 2 or 3 nights she was back to her normal routine sleeping through the night!

    We go through phases (and I know every baby is different) but as long as I basically force her regular routine (even if it means a few tears) we get back to it. Good Luck Carmen I know how frustrating and exhausting it can be!
