Monday, February 7, 2011

She's "somewhat" back to normal

I blogged last Tuesday about Allie's eating issues which ultimately lead to sleeping problems.

After speaking with our pediatrician and getting her oatmeal/formula/fruit recommendation 3x per day, Allie is somewhat back to her normal sleeping pattern.  Before Christmas, my sweet critter was snoozing from 7:30 pm to at least 7:30 am in her bed...with zero interruptions.  From talking to friends, we had it pretty damn good!  Since changing her food intake, she has improved BIG TIME. 

Last Tuesday night was tough because we had to wean her from the middle of the night bottle.  With Dr. Franz's advice, we combined 3 ounces of formula with 3 ounces of water (idea was to wean her from getting "full" at 3 am so she would want her 7 am bottle) and she guzzled it down.  So Tuesday night was a little out of the question given we had to start the new process.  She ate roughly 3 ounces of her 7 am bottle which was a slight improvement.

Wednesday night Allie went to bed on time but still got up to eat in the middle of the night.  This time she only got 1 ounce of formula to 5 ounces of water which made her extremely eager to devour her 7 am bottle Thursday.  Also on Wednesday she started the oatmeal/formula/fruit concoction and ate all 3 meals (2 at school).  She didn't drink all her bottles at school but she at least consumed 1 of the 2.

Thursday, Friday and Sunday nights (Saturday was bad because she was with a babysitter...threw her off schedule a bit) she slept the entire night in her bed.  She does wake up at least once in the middle of the  night and fusses, but I let her.  (Tough love SUCKS but I've learned you have to do it!)  After 5 minutes or so, she's back to sleep and she has two happy parents and bulldogs snoozing across the hall.

TO MY MOMMY FRIENDS OUT THERE - did/does your baby ever wake up and fuss like this?  Does it go away?  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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