Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's no longer a "Dog's World" around here

Why hello there!  Roxy Ross speaking here - for those of you who don't personally know me, I am the eldest of the Ross clan.  I have a brother, Toby and now...a little 5-day-old sister named Allie (ahem - "Princess" according to Grandpa Butch).

Man have things changed around our house.  It's amazing how it takes "2" people to do everything for this kid:

* "2" to change a diaper - I sometimes need help in this department given my old age but do I get assistance - no!
* "2" to feed - I won't go there
* "2" to change clothes - Really?  How hard could it be?
* "2" to give a bath - All she does is scream so they obviously do a pitiful job

It's also amazing how "cute" they think everything is that she does.  It sure wasn't cute to them when I crapped on changing pads as a puppy!

The little critter is doing well...and things have changed around here for the absolute best.  I am sure I'll have more updates later on our newest, crazy addition to the family!

Foxy Roxy

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I bet they're wondering what the heck is going on around there!
