Saturday, October 30, 2010

LSU Halloween Party

Allie's "Panda" class Halloween Party was yesterday.  Here are some pictures:

Allie & Ms. Annie

Sweet Giana!

Mrs. Tiffany and her son Brady

Yes, Allie slept most of her party...LOL

Allie with her daddy


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

L - O - L - Hysterical!

Allie had a long day - doctor's appointment and 2 vaccine injections, followed by an entire day at school with her friends. She "hit the wall" around 6 and took a 30 minute cat nap...this is how she woke up. I've never heard her laugh like this before!

Spoon Feeding!

At 4-months, Dr. Franz suggested we start spoon feeding Allie. To be honest, I never realized how difficult it would be to get her to open her mouth. Night 1 (Friday) was hysterical - she was not interested at all. Night 2 (Saturday) was a little better because I incorporated apples in the mix. Night 3 (Sunday) was great and she started realizing she had to open her mouth to get the goods. We hung outside Sunday night and Ben videoed while I fed her...

Our Sweet Little Family

Pumpkin Patchin' It!

Friday evening we took Allie to University Methodist Church to buy pumkins and take some pictures since this is her first fall. Luckily she got a 2+ hour nap before so she was ready for the photo shoot!

4-month "Wellness Exam"

Allie's stats:

HEIGHT:   25 1/2 inches
WEIGHT:  15 lbs. 11 oz.
HEAD:       17 inches

Poor baby girl was sick for almost 3 weeks so she didn't eat much - an average of 12 ounces per day.  After two antibiotic injections last week, she is making up for lost time.  Last Monday (at her original 4-month visit), she weighed 15 lbs. 3.5 ounces so she packed on 7.5 ounces in 8 days.  LOL

We are so excited we have our little girl back...a sick Allie, is a sad Allie!

She also had to get an oral vaccination and two injections today at the doctor...poor baby has had four shots the past 8 days.  Luckily we get a break and don't have to go back to Dr. Franz until her 6 months checkup.  They should name a room after us in her new office we've been in there so much here lately!

Some pictures:
Watching mom make coffee, add cereal to a bottle, pack my bag for school and finish her makeup before doctor's appointment

Being a ham while waiting on Dr. Franz